Pūriri advocates for the protection of all life that depends on natural cycles of light and darkness. We are an informal collective of community volunteers.
The aims of Pūriri are to:
1. Communicate the value of natural darkness to both nocturnal and diurnal animals, and also to plants and other living creatures;
2. Communicate the importance of natural darkness to ecosystem integrity;
3. Communicate the value of natural darkness to human health;
4. Contribute to the public understanding of peer-reviewed and other robust/verified research on natural darkness, regardless of the findings;
5. Advocate for dark sky reserves;
6. Advocate for approaches to urban lighting that are in keeping with the above aims;
7. Advocate for energy savings related to urban lighting that are in keeping with the above aims;
8. Promote Earth Hour and similar events that are in keeping with the above aims;
9. Undertake other actions that are in keeping with the above aims.
We are an informal group that welcome membership from anyone who shares our aims and a commitment to nonviolence. Membership is currently an informal network of interested persons. We have a named volunteer coordinating group that makes decisions about the public representation of Pūriri and about using shared resources (if any).
Members (any interested persons) are strongly encouraged to nominate themselves to become a part of this named coordinating group, and also to suggest actions that further Pūriri's aims.
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Website: Visit now