350 Te Papaioea - Palmy is part of the global movement 350.org, a grassroots climate action movement which aims to unite the world around climate change solutions.
Together with the support of 350 Aotearoa, we campaign both locally in the Manawatū and nationally, our focus is to challenge the…

A Rocha is a Christian conservation organization that now exists in 20 countries. Its aim is to enhance care for the living world and its environment among all people worldwide. A Rocha Manawatū grows native trees and shrubs from eco-sourced seed, for local planting projects.

Ahimate Reserve Community aims to support the development and use of Ahimate Reserve (formerly Waitoetoe Reserve) as a community asset, planting and caring for native trees.

Awahuri Forest is an ancient remnant of lowland podocarp swamp forest on the Feilding town boundary. This charitable trust was set up by the Manawatū District Council to preserve, protect and restore the forest, and to educate future generations about the rare flora and fauna in the park.

The Butterfly Compassion Community is here to help. Simply put, we care and we want our community to be healthy and happy. We understand, support and work alongside the incredible existing services in our community such as Women’s Refuge, MENZshed, the police, hospital, local kindergartens and…

Invest in harvest shares, and in return receive a delivery of fresh, organically grown vegetables each week. Produce is ecologically grown, certified organic and delivered weekly to a drop-off point in Palmerston North.

Cycle Aware Manawatu's aim is to encourage greater awareness of the benefits of riding a bike -- not just for recreation or sport, but for everyday trips. They work locally and nationally to ensure safe and pleasant cycling; good quality infrastructure, better provision for cycling and more…

Working with the people of the Manawatu Wairarapa area to help make New Zealand the greatest living space on Earth by looking after our environment so all of us can enjoy it and get the benefits from it.

Extinction Rebellion (XR) is a worldwide movement alerting people to the climate crisis. XR wants local and central government to tell people how acute the situation is, and take urgent action now to be net zero carbon by 2025.

The Feilding Repair CAFÉ was born out of the desire to raise awareness about our throw-away wasteful culture and to give the community an easy, pleasurable, grass roots driven option of mending all sorts of bits and bobs rather than throwing them away to our rapidly filling landfill and all over a…

Fish and Game NZ is a non-profit organisation, funded entirely through fishing and hunting licences. It manages, maintains and enhances sports fish and game birds and their habitats in the best long-term interests of present and future generations of anglers and hunters.

Forest and Bird are all about protecting our native plants, animals and wild places, on land and in our oceans. Help them to help nature. The Manawatū Branch hosts talks by expert speakers, and runs field trips to local places of interest.