The Awapuni Community Gardens offer land access for growing food and an opportunity to share knowledge and resources. The gardens works on an allotment-style where individuals (usually families) take ‘ownership’ of a bed to grow food for themselves. There are also some shared community beds at the gardens. There are over 50 families and groups involved in the Awapuni Community Gardens. These gardens are administered by the Pascal Street Community Trust.
Behind the Awapuni Community Centre, 22 Newbury Street, Awapuni, Palmerston North.
The Awapuni Community Gardens began in September 2011 as the Crewe Community Gardens at a site in Crewe Crescent. After housing development forced a relocation, the gardens were established at the Awapuni site in December 2018.
Get in touch?
Email the Coordinator: Dave Mollard
Awapuni Community Garden on Facebook
Get involved?
Working bees most Saturday mornings from 8.30am. Contact Dave Mollard to check about working bees or to enquire about a garden bed.
Open to visitors?
The gardens are open to the public. Most of the beds are looked after by individuals or families in the style of ‘allotments’. (Please do not pick the produce unless there are signs on the beds giving permission.)
More info
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