Jess Haigh-Knuth has always had a heart for volunteering and when she saw a post from Te Pātaka Kai 4412 needing volunteers a few months ago, it immediately made sense to her. Jess helps out at TPK 4412 once or twice a week and in the holidays her oldest child is also down their sorting food for whānau, Jess said “she loves it too, helping others is in her blood”. Jess’s tasks include picking up donated food from Just Zilch, transferring it into the container and of course sharing the kai out with the community. She loves the feeling of helping others who are struggling although it can be challenging meeting so many new people every day! It's been a journey of growth for Jess as she helps others while helping herself.
Te Pātaka Kai 4412 is an initiative of Bestcare Whakapai Hauora and sources its food from Just Zilch, Te Tihi, internally and from community donations. It is open on Mondays and Fridays from 1pm until 2 at 140 Maxwells Line.