Forest and Bird are all about protecting our native plants, animals and wild places, on land and in our oceans. Help them to help nature. The Manawatū Branch hosts talks by expert speakers, and runs field trips to local places of interest.

The Greasy Chain Charitable Trust has the goal of “Encouraging all New Zealanders to become healthier through regular cycling". The vision is to bring about a change that will promote a more positive appreciation of active transport and in particular cycling, not necessarily as a different or…

Thanks to this organization, thousands bikes have been given a new lease of life and are back on the streets, instead of lying in landfill. These recycled bicycles are for sale or rental, and repair services are also available.

Green Corridors Range to River has planted thousands of eco-sourced native plants along stream banks connecting the Tararua Range to the Manawatu River, with the City Council developing walkways through the plantings.

The aim of this group is to provide free gardening workshops, and encourage everyone to start or continue veggie gardening.

Founded in 1958, this pinetum is a lifetime of work by farmer and tree-enthusiast Rawhiti “Ian” McKean. The collection includes more than 300 species of native and exotic conifers from around the world.

New Zealand’s longest running free store, diverting around $40,000 worth of food away from the waste stream, and distributing it via the shop, and also to about 50 helping agencies throughout the region.

Kawakawa Nursery is a native plant nursery that eco-sources seed and grows quality plants which are supplied to organizations for revegetation projects around Manawatū.
The nursery is are owned by the Manawatū. District Council and is hoping to engage more with local communities and organizations…

Keeble’s Bush is a 23 hectare example of lowland podocarp forest. It is privately owned and is managed by the C.T. Keeble Memorial Forest Trust for scientific purposes. Restoration efforts include volunteer weed and pest control.

KCC is part of Forest & Bird, and its aim is to encourage children to enjoy, respect, understand, and love their natural world, with activities such as field trips and movies. KCC Manawatū is curently in hiatus, in need of some more grownups to organize activities in the Manawatū.

Living Streets Aotearoa aims to have more people walking more often through the creation of liveable, multi-purpose streets that are safe, sociable and interesting, through advocacy, events and promotion.
Promoting apiculture in our region and supporting new apiarists.